In 2016, EROAD was selected as the sole technology provider and account manager to heavy vehicles for the California Road Charge Pilot Program.
This Road Charge Pilot Program was initiated by the California Legislature, which passed Senate Bill 1077 in 2014. The Road Charge Technical Advisory Committee, created by the legislation under the California Transportation Commission, agreed that the scope of the pilot should cover both heavy and light vehicles. The pilot operated for nine months, from July 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017. During the pilot, EROAD enrolled and supported 55 participating heavy vehicles spanning nine industry segments. Taken together, the total number of heavy and light vehicles enrolled in the project exceeded 5,000, making the California Road Charge Pilot Program the largest road charge pilot to date in the United States.
While heavy vehicles only represented 1% of the total number of vehicles enrolled in the pilot, these vehicles accounted for almost 10% of the total miles travelled during the pilot by all participating vehicles (including light vehicles).