
Road Safety Week 2023

Every day our team works alongside our customers and partners to help reduce accidents and make our roads safer for all road users. Road Safety Week is also a chance to recognise them and their commitment to making our roads safer. Read more »

An intuitive pool car booking app for your shared fleet

Car-pooling or vehicle sharing is a great way to reduce the overall size of your fleet, lower operational costs and increase vehicle utilisation. However, it can require additional admin to manage it well. That’s why Life Saving Victoria adopted EROAD BookIt, a pool vehicle booking system that makes it easier to manage their shared fleet. Read more »

Can sustainability initiatives deliver tangible business value?

In EROAD’s 2022 Road to Sustainability Report , 84% of businesses with vehicles said their current sustainability initiatives have delivered one or more tangible business benefits, across a range of measures including: customer satisfaction, employee participation, brand recognition and increased productivity. Read more »

Discover 10 benefits of tracking your company vehicles

Can you easily track how much your light vehicles are costing your business? Do you know how much of your usage is work versus private? Managing a fleet can create hours of admin. Fleet management software could save you time and money and make it easier to get the answers you need. Read more »

Keeping events on track for Motorsport Australia

The world of Motorsport is packed with moments of high adrenaline, and for Motorsport Australia Championships & Events Manager, Adrian Coppin, sometimes those moments would happen before the cars even touch the track. Read more »

Introducing EROAD Assist

Making the most of your drivers’ time while still ensuring safety and compliance are key to managing a successful fleet. That’s why we developed EROAD Assist, an easy-to-use mobile application that lets drivers complete a wide range of tasks outside of the cab. Read more »

EROAD Where Asset Tracking now available in MyEROAD

EROAD Where customers can now view asset location data in MyEROAD, bringing all fleet and asset data together in one place. The latest integration enables more advanced reporting capabilities for business assets, including improved asset utilisation reporting. Read more »

Delivering more choice for asset tracking

We’re excited to announce the launch of two new asset tracking devices – the EROAD ETrack G70 and the EROAD ETrack Oyster3. The latest additions to the EROAD hardware range offer customers even more choice for tracking machinery, equipment and assets. EROAD’s expanded asset tracker category now delivers four rugged asset tracking solutions including options for powered and non-powered assets. Read more »

What Dynes Transport have learnt about effective fatigue management

Stephen Divers, Risk & Compliance Manager at Dynes Transport installed Seeing Machines Guardian technology into his entire fleet over the last year, and has also added EROAD Clarity Connected dashcams as part of the companies holistic fatigue management program. Here are 9 things that Stephen has learnt one year into their advanced fatigue risk reduction program. Read more »

4 ways to reduce heavy truck emissions today

The road transport sector is vital to our economy. From groceries to building supplies, almost everything comes off the back of a truck. Heavy trucks account for almost 25% of all road transport emissions . Despite improvements in fuel efficiency in recent years, emissions are still rising, mainly due to increasing road freight traffic and an ageing fleet. Read more »

3 ways to maximise fuel efficiency when upgrading your fleet

Fuel efficiency is top of mind for fleet operators, however big or small their fleet. By upgrading to newer more efficient vehicles, fleets can make huge improvements to their fuel usage. However, those potential fuel efficiency savings are heavily influenced by other factors, such as driver behaviour.

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Imagining the workshop of the future Part 1

EROAD is already bringing the future to life today by changing the processes used by workshops to manage defects discovered during routine inspections of machinery, such as those performed by a driver on their truck before they start driving. Read more »

Inspecting iOS 11

I'm sure by now you are all enjoying EROAD Inspect, our new mobile app that makes it easy to inspect your vehicles, trailers and assets for defects. Read more »

Find a Seat means you arrive in a car not in a convoy

It’s bad enough when you’ve got a meeting across town and all your pool cars are booked out. It’s even worse when you turn up, only to discover that three of your colleagues are already there, each of them having arrived separately in a company vehicle. That’s not just infuriating, it costs your business money. Read more »

Fuel transactions made easier faster

We’ve given the Fuel Transaction Management module a polish to make it even easier to use. The sample fuel file is now in both XLS and CSV formats, making it compatible with even more systems. Read more »

Driver Safety Report adds PDF export

Our Driver Safety Report supports your safe driving programme. It gives you a simple view of harsh braking and sharp acceleration events, and the number and types of events per driver or vehicle; and it pinpoints location danger spots. Read more »

EROAD adds string to API bow

EROAD’s API is a way of communicating data and letting customers securely integrate systems. This month we’ve enhanced our API with another useful operation. Read more »

Driver Management Bulks up

The new Driver Management: Bulk Import and Export feature makes it quicker and easier to manage your drivers’ information. You can edit information for individuals or your whole team, in one field or many, and upload it to Depot in minutes. Read more »

Make it pretty

When we hear “design”, most of us think “beautiful.” How many times have you heard or said: “This chair is so design!”, or “The hotel we stayed in was very design”? I’m sorry to have to remind you that “design” is not an adjective; it is a noun. Even better, a verb. Read more »

Reduced harsh braking and sharp acceleration thresholds

Our customers have told us that through using our driver behaviour tools they are enjoying improved compliance and reduced costs. As we continue to enhance these tools, we’ve listened to feedback about improved reporting on braking and acceleration events. Read more »

Update to Geofence Activity with Auxiliary Inputs

Last month we introduced the Geofence Activity with Auxiliary Inputs feature. It’s a great way to keep track of your equipment on site, optimise productivity and support accurate billing. We’ve now given it even more functionality. Read more »

Keep track of key assets

This month’s update – keep track of key assets using Geofence Activity with Auxiliary Inputs. Search using latitude and longitude. Get a real-time view with Drivers activity tab improvements. Read more »

EROAD at ITS World Congress 2016 in Melbourne

EROAD has been attending the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) World Congress for a number of years now. This year, for the first time, the Congress was held in Melbourne; 11,500 delegates with deep expertise in a number of different transportation sectors coming together to share not only their experience but also their practiced thought leadership on a wide range of operational topics. Read more »

Introducing driver messaging

With the latest version of the EROAD Driver app – 2.4.1 –
messaging is an easy way to stay in touch with drivers. Read more »

Leaderboard enhanced

Our Leaderboard and Driver Insight reports have optimised effective driver training and rewards programmes for a growing number of EROAD customers. Read more »

Map improvements

We have simplified your access to up-to-date Traffic flow and other helpful map information in Depot. Read more »

DVIR gets fleet filter

Vehicle Inspection Reports are now filtered so you see inspection outcomes only for those vehicles you have access to. Read more »

Improved Fuel Efficiency Report

To help you stay on top of your fuel expenses, Make and Model benchmarks for the Fuel Efficiency Report have been updated with latest data retrieved from the EROAD client driving population. Read more »

Over Speed Dashboard exports

Our Over Speed dashboard report can now be scheduled and exported in PDF and CSV format, delivering insights directly to your email inbox on a regular basis.
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Better data = better decisions

Driver Insight provides your drivers with a one-page summary of their driving performance, with actionable insights on focus areas. Read more »

DVIR email notifications

Depot now automatically generates a notification email when a driver submits a failed DVIR from the EROAD Driver app on their mobile device. Read more »
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