

Bridgestone first installed EROAD devices in 2013, to take advantage of administration and cost savings that an eRUC device provides.

In the subsequent years, EROAD has become much more than that, expanding our ability to manage our own fleet, but also enhancing Bridgestone’s capacity to better service our shared customer base.

The technology has advanced to include driver behaviour metrics which helps to develop staff driving habits, in turn improving our safety record for our staff and the wider public.

For Bridgestone’s customers, it means more accurate data capturing, with EROAD feeding accurate Hubo data to Bridgestone’s B|mobile electronic job card at time of service.

Through EROAD’s Gen II device we are able to notify wheel re-torque reminders direct to the driver in real time, preventing potential wheel off incidents.

EROAD has become an important partner to Bridgestone, assisting us in delivering superior service and using data to influence business decisions for us and our customers.

John Staples
Associate Director

Industry: Manufacturing
Company: Bridgestone
Location: New Zealand
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