If you'd like to find a local installer, please select your region from the list below, or click on the map below.
Newport Auto Electrical M A/Hrs Call outs 0276 777 227 P 06 879 5220 E service@newportauto.co.nz Trailer Installer
JK Auto Installation M 0275 279 012 E jkautoinstall.service@gmail.com Trailer Installer
Communicate New Zealand M 027 568 6677 P 06 835 2211 E jason@coms.co.nz
Loveridge Fibreglass Engineering M 0273 569 559 E b.loveridge@outlook.co.nz
Johnson Electrical Ltd M 021 453 895 P 06 858 8609 E johnsonautoelectrical@gmail.com Trailer Installer