If you'd like to find a local installer, please select your region from the list below, or click on the map below.
Amped Auto Electric
M 0275819819
P 0275819819
E ampedautoelectric@xtra.co.nz
Trailer Installer
Banks Auto Electrical
P 03 434 6695
E banksauto2010@xtra.co.nz
Trailer Installer
Alexandra Auto Electrical Limited
M 027 912 4596
P 03 448 6434
E alexautoelectrical@gmail.com
Trailer Installer
Balclutha Auto Electrical
M 027 444 7172
P 03 418 0160
E balcluthaautoelctrics@xtra.co.nz
Trailer Installer
Dunedin Truck Servicing Ltd
M 027 432 3574
P 03 479 0150
E tony@claygroup.co.nz
Trailer Installer
Davis Auto Electrical Limited Queenstown
M 021 802 802
P 03 441 4232
E davisautoqt@gmail.com
Trailer Installer
East Otago Auto Electrical Ltd
P 03 4651708
E accounts@eoa.co.nz