If you'd like to find a local installer, please select your region from the list below, or click on the map below.
Fluid Power NZ Limited P 09 439 8292 E Jackie.c@fluidpowernz.co.nz
John Cowan Auto Electrical M 021 861 707 P 09 401 3030 E John.cowan@xtra.co.nz
Redan Auto Electrical P 09 408 0120 E mail@redanauto.co.nz
Commercial Diesel Ltd M 021 819 849 P 09 438 6915 ext3 E service@commercialdiesel.co.nz Trailer Installer
Channel Installation Limited M 027 492 6188 E channelinst@xtra.co.nz Trailer Installer
Bay of Islands Auto One M 021 407 628 P 09 407 6288 E Justin@a1kerikeri.co.nz